Buy Burley Clay Buff Universal Ceramic Bird Bath - BCBUFF

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Burley Clay Buff Universal Ceramic Bird Bath - BCBUFF is a hot and bestseller product at amazon now and Burley Clay Buff Universal Ceramic Bird Bath - BCBUFF is a height quality product from Bird Baths. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store. You can read customer reviews of Burley Clay Buff and also find the cheapest price for you by compare special price. Click here to read Burley Clay Buff customer reviews

Here are some of the great features of Burley Clay Buff Universal Ceramic Bird Bath - BCBUFF

Burley Clay Buff, Shop for Garden Bird Baths from! Add some niceties to your natural settings with a Burley Clay Buff Universal Glazed Bird Bath. This attractive piece is made from quality ceramic stoneware and is fully glazed for durability. Its Universal design is completed with a Buff color and a 3.5-inch bathing depth for the top. Special Note: The ideal bathing depth is 1.5 to 2 inches. You can simply fill the bath with 1.5 to 2 inches of water, or you can take the decorative approach and use polished stones or similar items to raise the water level while keeping the bird safe. About Burley ClayLocated in Roseville, Ohio, Burley Clay Products has manufactured garden pottery and bird baths since 1933. Proudly designed by craftsmen in a range of styles, from traditional to modern and sophisticated, Burley's planters are produced using reliable methods spanning from high-tech hydraulics to age-old handmade molding. The key to their quality lies in the fact that at Burley Clay, the artisans understand their materials as well as the needs of their customers; the result is high-quality, long-lasting planters that stand the tests of time and weather. Burley Clay planters are proudly made in America and sold across the United States and Canada.A Note About Burley Clay's Unique ProcessBurley Clay uses several different production methods to produce their stoneware. From high-tech hydraulic and ram presses to the craftsmanship required in jiggering and casting, their production methods differ significantly but share certain features - an emphasis on quality, efficiency, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. Certain production methods require thicker, more solid clay, while others demand a thinner, more liquid consistency. The processes carefully clean and mix the clay blend at a perfect consistency specific to each production method.One of the methods Burley Clay employs today is a rarely found "lost art" form known as jiggering. It's an old-fashioned, hand-made process

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